Online registration is now live! Please view the email you received for additional information.
To review the 2024-2025 seasons fees, CLICK HERE!
Friday Night Cocktails, Crockpots and Curling - in progress - more information coming soon
Forgot your Log In credentials? - Username and/or Password?
Please first complete a New Member Request. After you are accepted as a club member, you will then be able to Sign-Up to play in our leagues.
Note: A unique email address is required for each person registering, including Youth leagues
Online registration is now live! Please view the email you received for additional information.
To review the 2024-2025 seasons fees, CLICK HERE!
Friday Night Cocktails, Crockpots and Curling - in progress - more information coming soon
League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.
Phone: 715-234-9812
Email: [email protected]